Arthritis, Inflammation, Circulation, Disease
A friend told me you were super knowledgeable about Devils Club & I was interested bc I have an autoimmune disorder-I noticed that when I put the Devils Club essential oil on my hands it fixed my psoriatic arthritis/Raynaud's within minutes, which is way better than normal.
I was pretty amazed- the med for my issue is 5k/dose in the US, so the traditional medicines are much appreciated!
The 5% concentrate salve has absolutely helped during the first week of use! I’m not even using it a ton. -Trying to be sparing with it, but my circulation is definitely improved in my hands. I’m so thankful!
I used to have all these steroid creams they gave me for my hands which barely worked and over time its not good for you. I’ve had numbness in my fingertips for probably two-ish years from all the issues & I swear I can feel more detail than I was.
Plus, it smells really good like somewhere between pine and tea tree oil, so A+
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